Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Back.....

well, sort of. I was getting tired of the comment spam that I finally had to install a captcha thing-a-ma-jig.
Hopefully it will deter the spammers and not irritate my blog readers.
If I ever start posting again. I'm trying, really.


D.B. Echo said...

Now you get to play the Word Verification Word game!

Mine is: anessfic

Ummm...fiction based on...no, no, maybe a spice used in...no...DAMMIT! Foiled already!

goldenrail said...

I have this great new miracle drug for sale on my site....

Welcome back MR. Hope to see more postings from you :)

(is ortiven even a real word?)

Miss Healthypants said...

Please try harder--I love your blogging! *smiles*

So Cal Peeper said...

glad to see you back again. Just fyi, my blog is no longer at http://www.randommadnessintorrance.com, but at http://www.randommadnessintorrance.net. Thanks (some jerk sniped my address. Go figure.)

Wandering Chopsticks said...

Just delete the spammers. Click the box that asks "remove completely" or else their link will still show.

Bectelwa? A town in Washington state? A new food?