Wednesday, November 14, 2007

candy heaven

A few weeks ago, I discovered that one of my very-best-favorite candies is available once again--Licorice Snaps!
Oh, don't you go wrinkling up your noses you 70% cacao chocolate addicts--licorice rocks.
Snaps was one of the candies I liked as a kid. They came in a red box. The tubes of soft licorice are covered with a thin sugar glaze. The Snap colors are white, pink, orange, and green.
I pretty much had forgotten about them after my teen years. Then, in the late 80's or so, I spotted them in pound-sized bags at a Pic-N-Save in Milwaukee. These were a little different than what I had remembered--a little thicker and the coating wasn't as fine. Still they were Snaps. I had my folks send me some from time to time through the years.
American Licorice stopped making Snaps in 1999, due mostly to manufacturing issues rather than lack of interest of the consumer. They got things sorted out and reintroduced them in 2002. Yay.
I ordered the Snaps from Old Time Candy. nice and fresh! Soft, chewy and not too sweet. I put them in my desk drawer at work and when I sit down at my desk in the morning the scent of licorice is faintly in the air.
Another good thing about being a licorice lover is that you pretty much don't have to share! But then again, do I REALLY need this two pound bag of candy sitting next to me all day? Dale says "Licorice is for people who don't like candy". Pffft...what does he know?

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