Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Texas Bound

This will be my last post for a while because I'm going to Austin!  Yee Haw!
The main event is my niece's wedding, but there will be plenty of time before and after to party and explore. On Monday we will take a side trip down to San Antonio to visit the Alamo and have a look-see. Oh yeah, did I mention BBQ? And kolaches? 


Miss Healthypants said...

Have fun! I heard Austin is a great city to visit! :)

Jeanna said...

Not sure what a kolache is, sounds like south side Milwaukee, but behind you on the bbq. I had a lot of fun traveling around Texas and remember looking at the Alamo and thinking how impossibly small it is.

MaryRuth said...

MHP--we always have fun there.
Jeanna--a kolache is a Czech pastry..sort of like a Danish, but using a yeasty dough rather than flaky. The south side thing would be a pazcky....that's a Polish jelly donut, served on Fat Tuesday.
Check out my kolache pics
What's left of the Alamo is small, but there was a lot more to it back in the day.