Sunday, March 16, 2008

More Springiness

Yesterday I went to the Torrance Farmer's Market. I always feel a little bit guilty that I don't go there more often. It is close to my house so I really don't have any excuse not to. The last few times I've gone, I have always discovered something new, besides the usual great fruits and veggies.
Yesterday I had three things to cheer about. The first, and probably the best, is that there is a guy selling Tijuana Dogs! Wow! I thought they were illegal. For those of you that might not know the glory that is the Tijuana Dog, or LA Dog, let me explain. It is a bacon-wrapped hot dog cooked on a flattop grill with griddled onions and bell peppers. I didn't get my yearly "fix" at the LA Autoshow, so now I know where I'm going to be having lunch next Saturday.
The second thing was there is a guy doing knife sharpening. The state of my knives is one of my darkest secrets. I have really high quality knives that I don't keep as sharp as they deserve to be. When I was working in the restaurants, I could usually get one of the more experienced cooks to do it for me in exchange for me to do some of their prep work. It is a skill I wish I had, but it is also a skill that I think you make a lot of mistakes before you master it. Rather than wrecking my knives, I will be having my Tijuana Dog as my knives are being sharpened.
Last, I discovered a vendor selling malasadas, those yummy Portuguese "donuts" I used to eat in Hawaii. MMMMM Malasadas.

First strawberries of the season. Just to eat. Maybe with a little balsamic.

The official chard of The Green Bay Packers! How could I resist?

I sauteed them in some garlic and olive oil and paired them with a nice bean and sausage pasta.

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