first, this blog isn't intended as a news aggregator and second,
the "Don't Be A Dumbass" feature is only supposed to be a "once in a while" thing.(More love, less hate.)

FRIDAY, July 25, 2008, 11:49 a.m.
By Crocker Stephenson (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Man charged with shooting lawn mower
Keith Walendowski is charged with shooting a lawn mower.
A 57-year-old south side man, who might have been struggling with a hangover, is charged today with shooting his lawn mower with a sawed-off shotgun.
"I'll tell you the truth," a criminal complaint quotes an apparently inebriated Keith Walendowski. "I got pissed because my lawn mower wouldn't start, so I got my shotgun and shot it.
"I can do that. It's my lawn mower and my yard, so I can shoot it if I want," Walendowski told police.
Ignorance of the law, however, is not a legal defense.
Walendowski is charged with a felony count of possessing a short-barreled shotgun and a misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct while armed. If convicted of both charges, he faces up to six years and nine months in prison.
The shooting occurred Wednesday at a home Walendowski shares with his mother in the 3500 block of S. Austin St.
According to the complaint, Walendowski had been drinking all morning. Around 9:30 a.m., he attempted to start his 21-inch Lawn-Boy - unsuccessfully.
After shooting the mower, he went in his basement, where he was arrested by police, the complaint says.
Police recovered the shotgun, shells, a handgun, rounds for the handgun and a stun gun.
Dick Wagner of Wagner's Garden Mart, 6075 N. Green Bay Ave., said shooting the mower didn't help Walendowski's odds of getting it repaired.
"Anything not factory recommended would void the warranty," he said.
wow, that's right by where my daddy works and where my parents grew up. what a truly southside story. thanks for making me laugh today.
Hi GR! Wasn't this awesome?!? 57 years old, living with his mom, drinking before 9:30am, and owner of sawed-off shotgun--whatta guy! Yeah, da sout' side is full of 'em. And I used to be one too, dontcha know?!
Even me, even me. maybe some day I will be again. If I'm lucky.
GR--You will be able to go back to MKE if you close your ears to the siren song of California. I didn't and now I am here longer than I was there.
It is way nicer in MKE now than when I left and I would move back in a heartbeat if something could be done about the weather.
I'm in the Bay Area, so I actually prefer the weather of MKE to this. Sure, winter is cold and long, but at least there's a summer to look forward to. SF must be the California Sinatra meant when he said "it's cold and it's damp." It is! Nearly every day, with sporadic gorgeous days far and few between. Plus, I love snow. :)
That salad looks delicious, thanks for posting the recipe.
This is too funny, ROFLMAO, I saw this in the paper too. People are idiots, you are right. And, the salad does look yummy!
Thanks Judi, I'm glad you liked the story, it is a classic.
All the ingredients for that salad are available at the farmers' market... =)
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